New Security Feature : Snapshot creation without switching on Maintenance mode. One of the really cool things for System administrator dealing with Acumatica is taking snapshots and being able to re-create another instance or Company, however this led to creating bad records or corrupted data as we are taking snapshots other users might be using the system and there was a good chance of data corruption. In the latest release 2017 R2 Acumatica now warns user with a message " The snapshot may contain corrupted data because you are not in maintenance mode ." letting you know not to take snapshot of the live instance without switching the maintenance mode. Step 1 : Navigate to System --> Management --> Apply Updates, click on the button "Schedule Lockout" and specify the reason for lockout Step 2 : Navigate to System --> Management --> Manage Companies and click on Create Snapshot Step 3 : Don't forget to remove the lockout. Such incre...