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Acumatica Snapshots - Uploading and restoring large files

In Acumatica ERP, you can create company snapshots containing your company’s full or partial data. Snapshots that can be saved locally in the same database, or at a specified location. You can import and restore snapshot to another company, in this case test company, it's pretty handy tool very useful during implementations, customization and support/troubleshooting while you work with data. You will occasionally run into few technical issues with snapshots, the newer version now needs you to keep all users logged out and in maintenance mode to take snapshot, link to blog article here. Today we are going to discuss how to export and import snapshots which are larger in file size of above 1GB, this is not a limitation from Acumatica and more to do with constraint and default value set in IIS (Internet Information Server). IIS by default allows uploading of a file size of 1GB and it limits the upload process and it can be tweaked to upload upto 4 GB file size and that's...

Acumatica Statements Generation - On Demand

Version 6.0 Statement Cycles - Acumatica statement cycles in older version were bit rigid in operation and found it very hard to use for various scenario's We found the latest enhancements to Acumatica statement generation to be very practical solution based on customer feedback to improve the generation of statement based on their needs. 2017 R2 In the latest version 2017 R2 users now can define their statement generation cycle and not restricted to just 3 options, the new version provides with options to do "Weekly", "Twice a Month" or "End of Financial Period" allowing users to select based on their statement cycles. This flexibility allows user to configure to various scenarios and leads into another feature "On Demand" statement generation. On-Demand Statement -  in order to generate on demand statement navigate to AR module, pick a customer and from Action menu select Generate Statement on Demand as shown in the sc...

Acumatica Snapshot creation without switching on Maintenance mode Warning

New Security Feature : Snapshot creation without switching on Maintenance mode. One of the really cool things for System administrator dealing with Acumatica is taking snapshots and being able to re-create another instance or Company, however this led to creating bad records or corrupted data as we are taking snapshots other users might be using the system and there was a good chance of data corruption. In the latest release 2017 R2 Acumatica now warns user with a message " The snapshot may contain corrupted data because you are not in maintenance mode ." letting you know not to take snapshot of the live instance without switching the maintenance mode. Step 1 : Navigate to System --> Management --> Apply Updates, click on the button "Schedule Lockout" and specify the reason for lockout  Step 2 : Navigate to System --> Management --> Manage Companies and click on Create Snapshot Step 3 : Don't forget to remove the lockout.  Such incre...

Acumatica Import Scenario - Importing Attributes

Acumatica Attributes are type of pre-defined custom fields that users can utilize in capturing data, validating or storing information across Customers, Vendors, Inventory and various other data entry screens such as Leads, Opportunities, Projects, AP, AR etc. There are 5 different attribute types that you can store data in Acumatica Text : A text box into which the user can type text (Control Value 1) Combo : A list box users can use to type or select options (Control Value 2) Not available :) Checkbox : A check box users can select or clear (Control Value  4) Datetime : An element for selecting date and time (Control Value 5) Multi Select Combo : A list box where users can select multiple options (Control Value 6) You can manually configure each attribute by navigating to Configuration --> Common Settings --> Attribute screen and create attributes if they are fewer to keyin, however if you have large set of attributes that you would like ...

Attaching Acumatica Report to Menu Through Automation Steps

In world of distribution you may need more reports, let's say your team decides to add a new report for Return/RMA orders, same format as SO and ability to print directly from Acumatica screens, so as an IT manager you would jump into driving seat and copy an existing Sales order report and rename the new report as RM641010 and using report designer make cosmetic changes and publish to Acumatica reports. How do I attach a report to existing screen and Menu options?  Follow these easy 3 steps, you can attach an existing report to menu option through Automation steps, that's right if you always wondered what can I do with Automation steps, this is a perfect example for it. Step 1: Navigate to System --> Automation --> Automation Steps, from that screen select the Screen ID by drilling down to Sales Order screen Step 2 : Now let's identify the step we need our automation, we need this for a new order type called "RM" Return Order (RMA) and you want to ...

Acumatica Reports - Customize Your Logo for Reports

Acumatica 2017 R2 Feature Tip: In new version you have the ability to configure logos for application (ERP interface) and configure a separate logo for reports or any other publications. By providing ability customers can now deliver simple graphics of specific size for the website applications and for reporting needs you can provide a detailed logo, address or other options, gives the user to customize their logo for appearance. Here's how to achieve this, navigate to Organization --> Organization Structure --> Branches , Select branch "MAIN" as an example and click on the logo tab as shown in the screenshot below. Upload 2 different types of logo for User Interface logo and Report logo, now you can pull this report logo for all existing reports or new custom reports. Stay tuned for more feature exploration in Acumatica 2017 R2.

Acumatica MVP 2018 - Nominate Us

Acumatica Summit 2018 is at Nashville, TN and we are geared up to showcase our extension Acumatica Printshop and other solutions we are building on top of Acumatica framework. Over last 2 yrs we have earned the MVP award twice and we look forward to winning another round in 2018. Please nominate us "InfoSourcing Inc, Harsha Sarjapur" for our efforts and contributions.